Tuesday 4 October 2011

Suspicious Soy Sauce

Legend loves Soy Sauce, maybe even more than ketchup.

Tonight at dinner, Legend points at the soy sauce.
Daddy pours a reasonable amount over Legend's rice dish.
Legend - "Thank-you," and takes a bite.

Legend - "More?" He points to the soy sauce again.
Daddy sprinkles a tiny little bit on Legend's rice.
Legend - "Thank-you," and takes another bite.

Legend - "More?"
Daddy takes the lid off and pretends to sprinkle some soy sauce on Legend's food, but doesn't tip the bottle quite far enough to let any out.
Legend, suspicious, stares at daddy for a moment, then takes a bite of food.

Legend - "More?"
Daddy pretends to take off the lid and shakes the bottle vigorously over Legend's food, trying a slight of hand trick.
Legend points to the bottle, "Off. Off." You forgot to take off the lid, Dad.
Daddy has been caught. He takes the lid off and plans to try the not-quite-pouring-it trick again.

Legend turns his head and moves in close; he makes sure tricky daddy actually pours sauce on his rice.

I used to joke that parenthood is 10% slight of hand, but we will have to be magicians to keep that rate up now.

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