Thursday 13 October 2011

I Can't Do It!

We are on a walk on the paths by Mill creek, and Kayla decides to follow the boys on the exploration of the brush around the path.  By the time she reaches the point the boys were when she set out, the boys are long gone around another bush.

Kayla does her best to work up a boy-manipulating tear, but can't quite spit one out just yet.

Kayla - "I am stuck."
Me - "Come on Kayla, you can do it."
Kayla - "I can't do it!"
Me - "Yes you can. Just move the little branch aside and come back to the path."
Kayla glowers at me - "I CAN'T do it!"

I give her one more encouragement and leave her to her own devices for a minute, hoping she will muster up some independence.  She just stands there.  Sigh

Me - "Cash, can you go help Kayla please? Take her hand and bring her over to the path, okay?"
Cash, eager to be a helper, especially if it involves his sweetheart - "Okay Auntie!"

Cash walks easily through the grass and holds out his hand to Kayla.  Kayla takes his hand coyly and lets him lead her out.

Kayla - "Thank you Cash." Then she grasps on to my leg like she never intends to let go again.
Cash - "You're welcome Kayla." Cash hops up and down and looks at me for praise.
Me - "Thank you Cash, Kayla's hero." He inflates a little before he runs back into the brush.

Who says chivalry is dead?  Kayla sure plays the damsel in distress well.

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