Monday 3 October 2011


Legend is denying his nap today, probably because he has been sleeping so well at night since we got him his new bed. I try for quite some time to get him to go to sleep because life is better for everyone involved if Legend gets his nap.

I hear Legend thump around, playing, and bouncing on his bed. I go tuck him back in. I hear him talking loudly and animatedly. I find him "reading" a story to himself. I tuck him back into bed. I re-tuck him at least six times.

Then I hear, "Help! Stuck! Stuck! Mommy! Help!"  This is the first time he has ever called be by name from bed.

I find him with his legs trapped, straight down, in the little gap between the bed, couch and wall.

I lay him back in bed and he says, "Thank you."

But, I still hear him running and jumping around, so I think maybe I will give up on nap time for him today.

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