Tuesday 25 October 2011


Kayla does not like confrontation at all. If I scold her a little too hard (which is nothing more than saying her name in too deep a voice, or having an angry expression), she bursts into tears. She used to just put her head down and refuse to make eye contact if I said her name when she knew she was doing something wrong. It is an extreme contrasts from Legend who seems to enjoy being defiant, head-on.

Kayla has a new tactic now, which I actually like much better. For example:

At lunch time, Kayla keeps taking food out of her mouth and dropping it on the floor.

Me, in my serious mom voice - "Kayla..."
Kayla knows a scolding is coming. She puts on the cutest smile she can fake and looks me right in the eye.

Kayla, overly-cheerful - "Hi!"

It works every time, I have to admit. That is okay, though, because she stops the behavior anyway. It is win-win, really. We get to skip the part that is unpleasant for both of us.

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