Tuesday 31 January 2012

Snack and a Show

Legend has a little routine we call "snack and a show." He gets a snack and a 20 minute cartoon before his bath, book, and bed routine every evening. He only gets a limited amount of screen time daily, but he asks for "snack and a show" often; it's like his favourite thing. Who doesn't like to veg?

We are at Chapters for a family outing. Legend loves the train set they have there, Cody and I get to look at books (we are both book nerds), and we all enjoy getting a sweet treat at the Starbucks there too.

We have been in Chapters for far too long and it is time to get Legend home to bed.
Me - "Hey, it's almost 8:00. We need to get home."
Daddy - "Right. Okay, Legend. Time to go home and have a snack and a show."
Legend grasps on to a Snuffleupagus stuffy and screams, "Elephant!"

Daddy - "Say bye-bye elephant. Put it down please. Time to go for a snack and a show."
Legend - "No show! No snack! Elephant!"
Daddy removes the elephant from Legend's grasp and starts to carry our distraught boy to the car.

Daddy - "Want a snack and a show, Legend?" It'll work any minute now.
Legend - "NO SHOW! Trains! Trains! That way!" He points to the train set he had been playing with.

Daddy - "Nope. But, Legend. Do you want a snack and a show?"
Legend - "No show. No home."

Daddy - "Okay. But, do you want a snack and a show?" He is finding this funny, meany.
Legend - "NO show!"

We make it outside and almost to the car.
Legend - "Train! That way! No car! No home!"
Daddy - "Okay Legend. But, do you want a snack and a show."
Legend, losing steam - "No show."

Daddy plunks his boy into the car seat - "Okay, but one last question. Do you want a snack and a show?"
Legend nods - "Uh-hun. Snack and a show. Please."

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