Friday 9 December 2011

Social Skills

I take Legend out for a treat and to play at the Playplace at McDonald's. There are some other children there, three 10ish year old boys and 4 year old girl. Once the kids go into the play structure, I can only see glimpses of them every so often, but I can hear everything.

Legend - "Hi! Hi!"
Little girl - "Hi! Did you hear a ghost?"
Legend - "Ghost?"
Little girl - "Ahhh! Ghosts in here!"
Legend - "BOOO!"
They both scream and shoot down the slide.

Legend - "Hi! Hi!"
Older boy, unimpressed - "Uh, hi."
Legend - "Hi! C'mere!"
Older boy - "I don't want to."
Legend - "C'mere! Hi!"


Legend - "RAWR!"
All three older boys run out of the structure with Legend on their heals. They feign fear and run away from him, leaping over chairs and scrambling back into the structure. Legend follows.

Legend - "GrrrrrOWL!"
I hear shuffling and laughing.
Older boy, in a loud voice- "Attention all officers. Report to main slide."
Legend - "HA! RAWR!"
Older boy - "Mayday! Mayday! The perpetrator has attacked. Abort mission!"
They all come tumbling down the slide and out.

Legend is always happy to be the villain in the story. Should I be worried?

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