Wednesday 21 December 2011


Kayla is a very quiet, shy little girl... in public.  At home she is boisterous, out-going, extremely talkative, and confidant to the point of bossy.  She knows a lot of words for her age, but rarely pulls them out for strangers.

She notices new presents under the tree.
Kayla - "My papa's gonna give me those presents."
Me - "Oh really?"
Kayla - "Yeah. And Santa's gonna come on Christmas."
Me - "Are you excited for Christmas?"
Kayla - "It's gonna be fun! I'm gonna have lots of presents, lots of toys from papa. Lots of toys from Santa."

She points to the Christmas lights on the houses out our window.
Kayla - "Those are Kayla's lights. My daddy make them for Kayla."
Me - "They are very pretty aren't they?"
Kayla nods - "Uh-hun."

She is such a smart little barely two year old!  Although, "Papa" isn't her father. It is the name for her grandfather. She ends up calling any man with a big white beard papa. 

Dear Santa,
Congratulations on becoming a grandfather.  

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