Sunday 18 December 2011


At a Christmas party, Legend stands in front of an epic plate of cookies.  He grabs a heart-shaped shortening bread cookie and munches happily.

Removing one of the top cookies has revealed cookies underneath, star-shaped cookies!
Legend reaches for a star cookie with his free hand, heart cookie in the other.
Daddy - "Legend, No. You already have a cookie. Eat this one first."

Legend tries to hand off his cookie to Daddy - "Here you go." And he reaches for a star cookie again.
Daddy - "No Legend. You have a cookie. You have to eat this one first, then maybe you can have another."

Legend tries to put his half-eaten heart cookie back on the platter so that he can have a star one instead.
A dozen adults in the room, watching the cookie temptation - "Oh. Nooo!"
Daddy catches the offending slobbered-on cookie. "You have to eat it first before you have another."

Legend puts the heart cookie up to Daddy's mouth - "Daddy's cookie."
Daddy relents and bites the cookie.

Legend grabs a star cookie victoriously, but turns to get the rest of his heart cookie back from Daddy too.

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