Tuesday 15 November 2011

The Sun

I took the boys to the park after nap time today.  It had to be a quick trip because the sun is setting at 4:30 these days and the boys woke up at 3:30. We couldn't waste that sunshine.

The sun dips behind the hills.

Me - "Cash, we have to go home now. It will be dark soon. Can you climb in the stroller please?"
Cash - "Okay Auntie."
Cash climbs obediently into the stroller.
Me - "Great listening, Cash. Thank you!"
Legend witnesses this and begins a tantrum. He doesn't want to leave the park yet; he never will.

Me - "Legend, come here please. It is time to go."
Legend stomps and whines.

Me, with feigned astonishment - "Legend! Where is the sun?!"
Legend stops his display and looks up - "Where sun? Gone!"
He puts his hands up and shrugs his shoulders.
Me - "The sun went night-night. He is really sleepy. It is going to get really dark and chilly out soon."
Legend - "Oooh. Chilly." He pretends to shiver.
Me - "Let's go home before it gets too dark and chilly."
Legend nods - "Uh-hun."

To my astonishment, he walks calmly to the stroller and willingly climbs in. I cannot over-estimate my shock that this little story actually worked.

It's proof he is growing older and is able to understand and believe my lies.

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