Thursday 26 July 2012


I have this little music box that Legend recently discovered. Every time he plays it, he becomes very gentle, calm, and sweet, which is a big contrast to how he is most of the time. I keep it out of reach so that he must ask to play with it.

Legend and Cash are busy roaring at each other and having dinosaur battles.
Legend randomly stops his game - "Mommy. I wanna see singing box.... pleeeeeeease."

I get the box down and all three tots gather around. I wind it up and let Legend open the box to show his friends.

As the music plays, smiles spread across each face.

After a few minutes of swaying gently, discussing how it works, what it is called, and that it is very special indeed, Cash has an idea.

Cash - "This song sing me to sleep when I am a baby. But I am not a baby yet."
Me - "Do you like it, Cash?"
Cash - "I am not a baby now... Legend, let's go get our babies."

Both boys go get baby dolls and Cash grabs one for Kayla too.
They smile sweetly at their babies, rocking them and patting them.

Legend - "Mommy, you baby in your belly. Rock it."
So I hold my belly and sway with them.

Legend then puts his baby up his shirt - "I got a baby in my belly, like Mommy does."
Cash does the same - "I'm going to have a sister."

The boys rock back and forth to the music box, holding their pregnant bellies.

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