Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Snack and a Show

Legend has a little routine we call "snack and a show." He gets a snack and a 20 minute cartoon before his bath, book, and bed routine every evening. He only gets a limited amount of screen time daily, but he asks for "snack and a show" often; it's like his favourite thing. Who doesn't like to veg?

We are at Chapters for a family outing. Legend loves the train set they have there, Cody and I get to look at books (we are both book nerds), and we all enjoy getting a sweet treat at the Starbucks there too.

We have been in Chapters for far too long and it is time to get Legend home to bed.
Me - "Hey, it's almost 8:00. We need to get home."
Daddy - "Right. Okay, Legend. Time to go home and have a snack and a show."
Legend grasps on to a Snuffleupagus stuffy and screams, "Elephant!"

Daddy - "Say bye-bye elephant. Put it down please. Time to go for a snack and a show."
Legend - "No show! No snack! Elephant!"
Daddy removes the elephant from Legend's grasp and starts to carry our distraught boy to the car.

Daddy - "Want a snack and a show, Legend?" It'll work any minute now.
Legend - "NO SHOW! Trains! Trains! That way!" He points to the train set he had been playing with.

Daddy - "Nope. But, Legend. Do you want a snack and a show?"
Legend - "No show. No home."

Daddy - "Okay. But, do you want a snack and a show?" He is finding this funny, meany.
Legend - "NO show!"

We make it outside and almost to the car.
Legend - "Train! That way! No car! No home!"
Daddy - "Okay Legend. But, do you want a snack and a show."
Legend, losing steam - "No show."

Daddy plunks his boy into the car seat - "Okay, but one last question. Do you want a snack and a show?"
Legend nods - "Uh-hun. Snack and a show. Please."

Big, white, fluffy...dog?

Daddy, Legend and I are out for a walk in the slush and the dark. We meet a woman walking her huge, fluffy, white dog. Legend and Daddy are equally excited to see the beautiful dog and the dog and lady seem happy for the visit too. There is something about people walking their dogs or toddlers; it brings people together.

Daddy - "Wow. Legend, look at the big puppy dog!"
Legend - "Wow. Wanna pet it?"
The lady happily lets Legend pet her dog, and the dog is even happier. It shakes its curly, fluffy tail.
Legend - "Shake a tail! Pet tail, Daddy?" He takes Daddy's hand and makes him pet the tail.
Daddy - "What a beautiful dog. Thanks for letting us pet her."
Lady - "No problem. She loves people."

After a few minutes of pleasant chatter and dog-petting, Legend still has a burning question. 
Legend - "That polar bear? Polar Bear, Mommy?"

I did a little toddler lesson on polar bears and grizzly bears a week or so ago that I was sure was going in one ear and out the other. I guess he pays attention more than I thought, but perhaps my lesson was a bit incomplete if he thinks he can just walk up and pet a polar bear. 

What he truly thinks of us.

Daddy and I are lying on our bed with Legend between, having some family time before bed.

Legend pounces on my bottom and pats it.
"Big. Big Mommy bum."
Me, unimpressed - "Oh thanks."

Legend turns to Daddy and rubs his Daddy's newly shaved (to the skin) head.
"Pretty. Pretty Daddy head."
Daddy - "Um, he is confused."

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Patty Cake

Legend is refusing to get out of the tub after his bath.  I sing Patty Cake with him and at the part where you exclaim "For Legend and Me!!!" I pull my dripping boy up into my arms without a fight.

He then insists that we must continue singing Patty Cake until morning. After about six rounds, I call for reinforcements so I can actually get my naked man into a diaper and pajamas.

Me - "Daddy! Come sing Patty Cake with Legend!"
I work around my boys while they sing and laugh.

Legend holds his hands out so daddy can clap them in time with the song.
Daddy - "Patty cake. Patty cake. Baker man."
Legend gets his little fists pumping - "Roooollllllll!!!!!"
Daddy - "Ok, Roll it. Pat it."
Daddy - "Ok, rrroollll it! Pat it."
Legend points his finger and strikes at the air - "L"
Daddy - "Mark it with an L. Put it in the oven..."
Legend - "Rrrrooolllll it!"
Daddy - "Ok, we're rolling it again."
Legend - "Patty cake patty cake."
Daddy, to the tune of the song - "We have to make a new cake 'cause we messed up the last one. Roll it!"
Legend - "L!"
Daddy - "Put it in the oven for Legend and me!"
Legend - "L!"
Daddy - "It's already in the oven! It's too late!"
Me - "Okay boys, time for a story. Legend. Go pick a book."

Legend hops up and ambushes his father - "For Daddy and MEEEE!"
Then he takes off down the hall and starts to make his way down the stairs, towards the kitchen I presume.

Legend - "Cake! I want a snack! I want CAKE!"

Saturday, 28 January 2012


I bought a whole bunch of beautiful, organic fruit. It filled two big bowls, one of which I put in the centre of the table. It made me really excited to have so much amazing fruit. I may be slightly easy to please.

It is almost time for lunch.
Me - "Who wants to be first to wash their hands?!"
Kayla runs down the hall to the bathroom excitedly - "My turn!"
She stands on the stool and washes her hands in the sink to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle.

When we're done, I poke my head out to call to Legend.
Me - "Legend! Come wash your..."
Then I see that he has gotten started on lunch without me.

He is standing on a kitchen chair with the bowl of fruit pulled right in front of him. He is mowing down on an apple, presently biting dangerously close to the sticker, with a mangled orange beside him, a failed attempt at peeling.

I guess he was just as excited about the beautiful fruit as I was.


I come down the stairs after a horrible night dealing with a stomach bug. Cody has let me sleep in and has been playing with Legend for hours, but has to go to work eventually. I hobble down the stairs, holding my stomach then race to the bathroom to lean over the sink.

Legend follows me.

He holds his stomach and makes gagging noises.
Legend - "Ouch. My leg hurts. Owie. My leg. Yucky." And more gagging noises.

I cannot help but feel mocked. Not a good day.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Winnie the Pooped

Changing Legend's diaper...

Me - "Look, Legend. You have Winnie the Pooh on your new diaper."
Legend inspects his diaper and looks up at me innocently.
Legend - "The bear pooped?"
Me - "That's his name. Winnie the Pooh bear."
Legend - "YUCKY! Bear pooped!"

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


After every outing I take with tots, I ask them if they had fun, and what they enjoyed. It is a nice little conversation routine we have that passes the time in the car, and gets them working on new words and conversation skills. 

After a family outing tonight...

Me - "Legend, did you have fun?"
Legend - "I had fun! Weeeee slide!"
Me - "Oh good!"
Legend, courteously including his father in the conversation - "Daddy, you have fun?"
Daddy - "Yes! I had a great time! Thanks for asking."

Batman's Fan Club

We are at play group and there is a boy there dressed full-out as Batman, cape and mask included. The boy is tumbling, whooshing, and is entirely in the super-hero zone. It is kind of awesome.

Legend is immediately captivated by the boy. He follows Batman around the gym, copying some of the boy's tumbling moves but ultimately trying to get a turn with that mask.

He finally half-corners the Batman boy. He brings his little hand up with index and middle finger extended, like one of the Three Stooges, and points at the boy's face.

Legend - "Eyes. Eyes. Legend's turn hat?"
The boy spins and whooshes away, and Legend finally gives up his quest.


Kayla has my hand firmly; she is feeling shy today.  She is leading me over to the play house but she stops dead suddenly, and tenses. I can see the Batman boy inside the play house.

Me - "Kayla, are you scared of the Batman boy?"
Kayla nods and buries her head in my legs.
Me - "He's just a little boy behind that mask. Nothing to be afraid of."
Kayla tries to pull me away from the play house - "No."

I pick her up.
Me - "He's just a little boy. Here, I will show you."
We approach the Batman boy.
Me - "Excuse me Batman. This little girl is scared of you because she can't see your face. Would you mind lifting your mask for a moment so she can see you are a boy under there?"
The boy politely obliges, but Kayla makes no reaction.
Me - "Thank you!" And Batman is off saving lives or terrorizing villains or whatever he does.

Kayla kisses me on the cheek.
Me - "Are you afraid of Batman now?"
Kayla - "I love that Batman boy."

She spent the rest of play group toddling after her new hero.

And so there were two Batman boy fans.


When we go to the grocery store as a family, I usually do the actual shopping while Cody and Legend entertain themselves and kind of stay nearby. Not this time. This time, Legend is all work.

Legend predictably does not want a ride in the cart, but insists on pushing it instead. He puts his back into it and pushes it down each aisle, quite proudly. Daddy turns the cart by the front end when needed, but other than that, Legend's got it covered.

Legend pushes with all his might, leaning into the cart with arms extended and legs working hard.
Daddy - "Wait, Legend. Mommy has to put cereal in."
Legend pauses and looks up at me as I drop the cereal into the cart.
Legend nods - 'Thank you Mommy." And back to his arduous work.

He paused and thanked me for every item I put in. He was extraordinarily helpful and polite. 
If this is a changeling child, I'll take it. 

Monday, 23 January 2012

My Daddy

A loud plane goes by overhead.

Kayla - "Auntie. Did you hear that?"
Me - "Yes. It sounded like a plane."
Kayla, in a matter-of-fact tone - " It is a plane. My daddy makes planes."
Me - "Yes he does make planes."
Kayla, with the same straight face - "My daddy is happy."
Me - "Glad to hear it."

Happy Birthday!

Preface: I have been doing some part time care for an amazing, fire-cracker little girl named Roisin. She just turned two and we were fortunate to receive an invite to her birthday party.

Roisin tears down the hallway and swoops into the dining room where the women are visiting.
Roisin, lifting her little arms in there air - "Happy Birthday!"
Everyone, in chorus and to Roisin's great delight - "Happy Birthday!"

Then she's off again, back down the hall and into the living room.
Roisin, with so much excitement - "Happy Birthday!"
A chorus from the living room - "Happy Birthday!"

And she is back, with no less excitement than the last time.
"Happy Birthday!"


She knew very well that this day was a very special day just for her. Of course she had to make triple sure that everyone else knew too.

Thursday, 19 January 2012


I am busy fixing lunch for the tots. Kayla toddles up with a book about dinosaurs in her little hand.

Kayla - "Read book to me, Auntie."
Me - "I can't right now. I am making lunch. Why don't you go sit on the couch and look at the book on your own and I will be there in a couple minutes."

Kayla, quite annoyed at me - "No, Auntie. I can't read!"

Of course. How silly of me.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Phew! (TMI warning)

It is Legend's bedtime, but he is clearly not sleeping. I hear him start to pull his door open very slowly. I meet him at his door and am hit by a wall of odor.

Legend looks up at me with a mix of guilt and surprise - "Phew! Phew! You stink!"
Me - "Phew! Yes you do, Legend."
Legend - "I Poot."
Me - "Did you ever."

He turns around and shakes his bottom at me, looking over his shoulder.
"In there."

Thanks for the tip.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Mommy's Potty

I am washing the potty that, when the sensor gets wet, makes music to reward potty successes.
The thing starts singing as I spray it with disinfectant.

Legend yells excitedly from the living room. "Mommy go potty?" He runs down the hall to check out my success.

Legend, peering over my shoulder into the soapy potty - "You did it, Mommy?"
Me - "I am cleaning the potty."
Legend - "Yay! You did it! Good job Mommy!"

Well, it is nice to be appreciated.


I sit down on the couch with a lukewarm cup of coffee I haven't yet gotten a chance to finish.
Legend sits down beside me and peers into my cup.

Legend - "Mommy's coffee?"
Me - "Yes, my coffee."
Legend - "Hot? Hot? Careful Mommy."
Me - "It's not too hot."
Legend - "I wanna blow on it?"
Me - "Okay."  He does.
Legend - "There. That's better, Mommy."
Me - "Thank you."
Legend pushes the cup towards my mouth. "Drink it Mommy. Drink coffee."

I am a little tired of this nearly daily obsession with my coffee, considering I usually haven't yet gotten the caffeine into my system when the charade begins. Maybe if he knows it is actually awful stuff, he will stop worrying about it, I think.

Me - "Want a sip, Legend?"
Legend nods excitedly. Finally he gets to taste the forbidden "Mommy's" drink! He takes a small sip.

He smacks his lips then frowns and backs away.
"Mommy. Coffee DIRTY!"

Good. That worked...for now.

Friday, 13 January 2012


I am sweeping the floor and am just about to scoop the stuff into the dustpan.

Legend squats and looks at the dirt and garbage.
Me - "Don't touch it. It is yucky."
Legend - "Garbage?"
Me - "Yes. Garbage."

I scoop it up and go to put it in the garbage.
Legend - "Thank you, Mommy."

And who said parenting is a thankless job?

Thursday, 12 January 2012

A Milestone

Every morning, Cody and I are awoken to the sound of Legend yelling, banging toys around, or sometimes crying in his room. This morning was different.

I hear my bedroom door open and, in my sleepiness, briefly think Cody is up to use the washroom in the middle of the night.  I feel myself falling back into sleep, but then the door slams.

Legend, sweetly - "Hi."

He climbs into bed and snuggles down between us. He insists I put the blanket all the way up to my chin.
We lounge and snuggle as a family for a few minutes and it is quite lovely, until Legend gets restless.

Legend - "I wanna be a downstairs Legend."
And we're off to start another day. 


Kayla and I are reading a book about opposites.  It includes a smiling baby beside a crying baby, a big dog beside a tiny dog, a clean toddler beside a messy toddler, and a boy beside a girl.

Me - "Kayla, what is this?"
Kayla knows the answer. We've read this book six times already today.  "A girl!"
Me - "Right. And what is this?"
Kayla - "A boy!"
Me - "That's right. And which are you, Kayla?"

Kayla - "I like boys."

Nature vs. nurture? Nature wins this round. Some things are innate.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Legend is wearing his puffy winter jacket.  I put him in his car seat and the jacket folds in at his waist and puffs out at his chest.

Legend looks down at his puffy chest.  "Boob! Legend's boob!"
He gives his "boob" a little squeeze, deflating it.

Then he reaches over with his chubby little hand and squeezes my chest.
"Mommy's boob! Legend's mommy boob!"
Me - "Legend, please do not touch mommy's boob. Thank you."
Legend pokes me again - "My mommy boob."

Anatomy is a very important field of knowledge; I am so glad my son has added "boob" to his vocabulary.

Monday, 9 January 2012


Legend is insistent that we should go outside, even though it is very early and not even light out yet.  He goes to the mudroom, pulls his boots off the shoe rack and yanks his coat down off the hook.

Me - "Legend, we can't go outside yet. It is too dark and cold. We will go out later when Kayla gets here."
Legend - "I want shoes on. I want outside! Jacket. Out door, slide. Out door. I want now."

He sits and struggles to put his boots on, but can't quite manage it today. He continuously yells in frustration and complaint. I explain again that we can't go out yet and he complains then tries the boots again.

I make coffee.

Legend waddles into the kitchen carrying his boots, one in each hand, and with one leg in each arm of his jacket.

Legend - "Jacket on! Outside now?"

He is persistent.


Note: Cash is away world travelling with his mother until mid-March, so there will be no new posts about him for a while.

Susie Q

Legend loves the song by Creedence Clearwater Revival called "Susie Q."  When it comes on, he can't help but bust a move.

I have a music playlist playing on my computer, and CCR inevitably pops up. When "Susie Q" starts to play, I find Legend by my side.

He takes my hand sweetly and leads me to the kitchen dance floor. He turns me to face him and starts shaking his little hips side to side.

I feel like I am at a grade 8 dance all over again, except this time I actually like the boy I am dancing with.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Wake Up Call

Legend awakes at the ungodly hour of 5:45am this morning, and because it is a Saturday I allow myself to pop in Land Before Time and half-sleep on the couch while Legend is engrossed in his movie and breakfast. It is Cody's day to sleep in, and in my opinion he really needs the sleep.

I wake as the movie ends and Legend starts yelling about trains and dinosaurs and playing with his train table. I stumble to the bathroom.

When I emerge maybe 2 minutes later, Legend is nowhere to be found. He sometimes plays a hiding game, but if I call for him he always calls back, "I'm hiding!"

Me - "Legend! Where are you?"
Not in the kitchen or hall...

Me - "Legend?"
Not in the living room or on the stairs...

I check his room. He often runs up there and sits in the dark on his couch until he is found. He thinks it is  hilarious.

I turn to see light coming from under my closed bedroom door. I open the door to find Legend jumping on a very disgruntled looking Daddy.

In the two minutes I had been in the bathroom, Legend had run upstairs, burst into his Daddy's room, flicked on the light, slammed the door, and jumped on the bed.  Needless to say, his Daddy is not pleased.

I apologize to Cody profusely and take Legend off the bed and put him on the floor.

Legend immediately runs to his own room and starts repeatedly slamming the door against the wall, a wall that he shares with our housemate.

I don't blame him. I was pretty poor company. Now everyone in the house was awake to entertain him!

Potty Party

Kayla - "I have to go potty. Pee!" So I set her up on the potty. This sometimes takes a while.

Legend gets a little jealous that Kayla is getting all the attention. He barges past me and points to the toilet.

Legend - "Legend potty too? Kayla potty. Legend potty too?"

So I put the little potty seat onto the big toilet and set him up on there.

The tots giggle at each other until Kayla pees. Then the musical potty makes its music to reward Kayla for her efforts.

Kayla - "I peed!"
Legend - "Yay Kayla!"
Kayla - "Yay Legend!"

And the tots bob their heads in time with the music, smiling and congratulating each other.

Shake It Cont.

Legend escapes a diaper change and runs to the kitchen where music is playing.  He starts to dance, wiggling his little naked bum side to side.

He looks down and notices his wee-wee.

Legend - "I wanna shake my tail! Shake my tail!"

Friday, 6 January 2012


I am giving the floor a quick vacuum before my tots come for the day, and Legend grabs his play shop-vac that is attached to the side of his work bench. He starts yelling and pulling at it because it neither will detach from bench, nor will it turn on and make loud noises like mommy's.

I turn my vacuum off and attempt to soothe Legend; he is actually really ticked off at the thing. He runs over to my vacuum and looks up at me hopefully.

"Legend's turn?"
Me - "Okay, but go down the hallway where I haven't vacuumed yet." I point him in the right direction.

He turns the vacuum on with the little button on top, takes about three steps, then turns it off again and drops it on the floor.
"Mommy's turn."

I guess he suddenly realized that household chores are not as thrilling as they look.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

A Wave of Jealousy

Kayla had been away for almost two weeks, until this morning...

Me - "Legend! Kayla is here!"
Legend's face lights up and he runs for the door - "Open! Open door! Kayla's home! Kayla!"

I open the door to find Kayla ambling up. She looks up, surprised, and then smiles and quickens her pace.

Legend - "No! No Kayla! My Mommy!" And he slams the door, all to my great surprise.
He then puts all his weight on the door so I can't open it and proceeds to have a full-out tantrum when I remove him from the doorway and open the door.

"No Kayla. Mine! My Legend's mommy!"

At least I know I am loved... or maybe just claimed.

Luckily, within a few minutes, he remembers how much he loves Kayla. They hug and kiss periodically throughout the day and play very happily together, clearly glad to be in each other's company again. 
It was a fleeting moment of jealousy, thank goodness. 

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Shake It!

I have Legend on his back, in the midst of a diaper change, naked from the waist down. He starts wiggling his bottom and I can't, for the life of me, get his new diaper on.

Me - "Legend, hold still."
Legend - "Better shake it! Shake it!"

Just then, Daddy walks up beside us.
Me - "Legend is 'shaking it' and I can't get his blasted diaper on!"
Legend wiggles harder - "Shake it, Daddy! Shake it!"